Despite being an educational conference, delegates and participants must remember that they are simulating the United Nations. All delegates must maintain a high standard of professionalism, diplomacy, and respect throughout the conference, gala dinner and on breaks and try to represent themselves and their school best.
The AZIZMUN’25 executive team will be handling any violations of policies listed below. If any policy is violated, the Secretariat has the right to disqualify the participant from awards, suspend them from the session and expulse them from the conference.
1- The usage and possession of any tobacco and alcohol products is strictly prohibited during the conference and social event. Violation of this rule may result in expulsion from the conference.
2- Delegates must be respectful to AZIZMUN’25 team, Aziz Atik Science High School’s staff, board members and all other delegates. Any form of bullying (verbal, physical, psychological and cyberbullying) will not be tolerated.
3- All delegates and board members must be present at their committee sessions and shouldn’t be late. Delegates have the right to miss two sessions only. If a delegate misses more than two sessions, they will not be receiving their certificate and will be disqualified from awards.
4- All position papers, resolutions and speeches must be original. Using AI during sessions is prohibited. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
5- Delegates, staff and chairs are encouraged to use social media in a respectful manner. Any inappropriate posts, harassment or bullying will not be tolerated and could result in disqualification from awards, suspension from the session or expulsion from the conference.
6- Each delegation should have at least one advisor for every 20 delegates. The head delegate must be present all the times during the conference and gala dinner.
Photography Policy
The conference may capture photographs and videos throughout the event for promotional purposes. By participating, all delegates, chairs, and staff consent to being photographed or recorded. If any participant wishes to not be photographed/recorded, they should inform the Secretariat in advance. These photos/videos could be shared on AZIZMUN’25s online platforms.
Dress Code
All delegates, chairs and staff must maintain a formal appearance during the
conference. For girls, skirts should not be shorter than two fingers above the knee.
Blouses, skirts, formal pants, blazers and heels are expected. For boys, blazers are
mandatory. Formal pants, formal shoes and suits are expected. Only full white
sneakers are permitted. Clothing that is too revealing, offensive, or inappropriate for a professional setting will not be accepted. AZIZMUN’25s executive team has the right to ask the delegate to change their clothes. If persistent, it could result in expulsion from the conference.